Social Responsibilities

1. FSC+soy ink printed

What’s in a FSC label?
The FSC label is the world’s most trusted mark for sustainable forestry. We choose FSC because it is creating innovative solutions that help society value all the vital services forests contribute to our world.
**FSC is an international non‑profit organization dedicated to the promotion of responsible forest management worldwide.
What is soy ink ?
Soy ink is a plant-based ink made from soybeans. Compared to traditional petroleum-based ink, soy-based ink is accepted as more environmentally friendly. Soy-based ink plays an important role in the sustainability of the press industry and it has been serving as an eco-friendly alternative to petroleum-based inks for decades.

2. Public Welfare

At INGS, we believe that beauty should never come at the cost of the planet or your health. That‘s why we’ve built our brand on two key principles: science-based and sustainable. We‘re committed to using only the best ingredients that have been proven by science to benefit your skin, without any harmful additives. But we also know that we have a responsibility to protect the environment and the world we live in. That’s why we‘re dedicated to using sustainable and ethical practices at every step of our process, from sourcing our ingredients to packaging our products.

3. Principle of 3R

  • "Reduce" – Let's embrace minimalism. We're committed to leaving a lighter footprint on our Earth by producing just what we need and reducing waste. Less is more.
  • "Render" – Our products coexist harmoniously with the planet, and we assure they're as kind to the earth as they are to your skin. Wellness is universal.
  • "Recycle" – We believe in full circle goodness. Our packaging isn't just designed to be stylish—it's reusable and recyclable. Sustainability is the new chic.